The Ancient Egyptian Daybook
by Tamara L. Siuda
The Ancient Egyptian Daybook, made possible through a successful 2013 Kickstarter, expands on a festival calendar that first appeared in Dr. Tamara L. Siuda’s 2005 The Ancient Egyptian Prayerbook. It is a scholarly exploration of Egyptian calendar systems, and the religious festival calendars they used for millennia, includes information from Dr. Tamara’s more than 20 years of research into and translations of hieroglyphic sources, and is beautifully illustrated by Megan Zane.
I wish I had this when I was in school!
What’s inside The Ancient Egyptian Daybook?
Everything you ever wanted to know about ancient Egypt’s calendar, from how days and months are calculated, to which holidays are celebrated when, is included. You’ll learn about the different official calendars the ancient Egyptians used simultaneously, how they fit together, and how they can still be calibrated today, in 360 pages of detailed description. Some of what you’ll read:
Chapter One
Details about the various ancient calendars and how they were calibrated using astronomical data
Chapter Two
How solar, lunar, and Sothic-start calendars aligned (or didn’t) to create a fourth, civil calendar
Chapter Six
Lunar Calendars, Special Festivals, Epagomenal Days, Fixed Dates and Lucky and Unlucky Days
Purchase The Ancient Egyptian Daybook today!

Digital version
- PDF digital version OR
- ePub digital version
- 360-page Paperback
- Softcover Daybook (available from Tamara’s bookstore website)
- 360-page Hardcover
- Hardcover Daybook (available from Tamara’s bookstore website)
AE Daybook Perpetual Planner & RONPET app
A perpetual (blank) planner calendar based on ancient Egyptian festival calendars, including holiday and festival details from Dr. Tamara L. Siuda’s The Ancient Egyptian Daybook and illustrated by Megan Zane. Reuse or purchase a new one each year, and set your own start dates!
NEW in 2023: RONPET, A digital app (for web, tablets, and smartphones) that provides perpetual calendar dates and festival information from Dr. Tamara’s book, created by Akhet Tech and available online for free with additional paid DLC only from!
Planner e-Book
- Daybook Planner
- PDF digital version OR
- ePub digital version
Planner Softcover
- Daybook Planner
- Softcover (Coilbound) Planner (Available from Tamara’s bookstore website)